Little Lotus’ Elderberry Syrup Recipe

A gentle, yet potent cold & flu remedy & preventative medicine to support your immune system during times of stress, season changes, cold & flu season, pandemics, epidemics, busy times, & overwhelm of the nervous system. 

Elder is seriously one of my FAVORITE go to herbal allies when it comes to the immune system & needing to support it. Most people know about Elderberries, the beautiful red to purple berries of the Sambucus Nigra plant.

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Elderberries are a potent antiviral for colds and flus, immune strengthening & rich in bioflavonoids. They are amazing for aiding in relieving coughs, chest congestion, and especially useful for head colds that then dive deeper into the chest and lungs. They contain a high level of both iron & Vitamins A, B, & C.
“Dr. Madeleine Mumcuoglu, of Hadassah-Hebrew University in Israel found that elderberry disarms the enzyme viruses use to penetrate healthy cells in the lining of the nose and throat. Taken before infection, it prevents infection. Taken after infection, it prevents spread of the virus through the respiratory tract. In a clinical trial, 20% of study subjects reported significant improvement within 24 hours, 70% by 48 hours, and 90% claimed complete cure in three days. In contrast, subjects receiving the placebo required 6 days to recover.”

Elderberries can be used in a myriad of ways, but this Elderberry syrup recipe is surely one for the books that I personally adore and those I have shared it with LOVE! It tastes amazing (as long as you enjoy the taste of elderberry!) and delivers a powerful punch of Vitamin C, and antiviral compounds! It is also quite easy and takes just a couple of hours to make. It’s a great thing to do on the weekends or evenings when you are at home and can sit close-by to the stove, because this is a preparation you do NOT want to forget about!

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My recipe is a blend of a homemade Elderberry concentrate that includes synergistic herbs, adaptogenic herbs, healing & immune boosting Raw Honey, and Homemade (or store bought) Vanilla Extract to make it taste extra delightful and like a treat instead of medicine!

Make your own Elderberry Syrup at home to save money, ensure there aren’t any preservatives (other than the natural preservation of honey and vanilla extract), and to ensure it is fresh! Most elderberry tonics and syrups last for only  3 weeks to 2 months - so when you’re buying them in the store it gives you less time to take your medicine! PLUS, its FUN! It gets you to learn and play around in the kitchen, perhaps in a new way and with new ingredients you haven’t used before! Additionally, Elderberry instills joy, a sense of playfulness, and love when you work with her. She’s quite a delight!

Okay, enough of the science and magic behind Elder and her beautiful berries, I could go on all day about the magic of this specific Herbal Ally, so let’s get to the supplies and the recipe, folks! 

What you’ll need: 

4 cups Filtered Water

⅔ cup of Dried Elderberries (1 & ⅓ cups fresh Elderberries, or ½ cup Elderberry Powder)

½ cup Rosehips or Rosehip Powder (optional)

2 Tbsp Grated Ginger

2 tsp Cinnamon Powder

1 tsp Clove Powder

½ tsp Nutmeg Powder

1 cup Raw Honey (local if possible)

1 tsp-1 Tbsp Vanilla Extract 

A medium saucepan with lid

Wooden Spoon

Cheesecloth OR a Metal Fine Mesh Strainer

A  large Glass Jar or Bowl (at least a quart size jar)

Jars (if you wish to share with friends)

Measuring cups

Masher, Metal Spoon or other Flat cooking instrument


¼ cup Ashwagandha Root Powder

¼ cup Rhodiola Root

How to make your delicious, immune boosting Elderberry Syrup

  1. Gather all of your ingredients & measure them out

  2. Pour 4 cups of filtered water into medium saucepan, adding grated Ginger, Clove, Cinnamon, & Nutmeg Powders, Elderberries, Rosehips, Ashwagandha Root Powder, & Rhodiola Root (if you’re choosing to include these adaptogenic herbs as well!)

  3. Bring to a boil, and once it reaches boiling point, reduce heat to bring your concoction to a simmer and cover with a lid for about 45 mins-1 hour. (You want your healing potion to decoct [or reduce] to half of the original amount. I typically take note of this by using a wooden chopstick - sticking it into the mixture as soon as I pour everything in, and marking the chopstick with a pen or marker. Then around 45 minutes check how much it has reduced, by sticking the chopstick in and seeing if it has reduced half-way)

  4. Remove your Elderberry decoction/reduction from the heat & let it cool until it is cool enough to handle. 

  5. Mash berries carefully, using either a masher, spoon or other flat cooking utensil.

  6. Pour through cheesecloth &/or strainer into your Glass Bowl or Jar. 

  7. Compost or discard herbs and let the Elderberry & Herb Reduction cool until it is lukewarm/around 100 degrees Fahrenheit 

  8. Add 1 cup, (or more, or less depending on your taste) Raw Honey, & stir in well. 

  9. Once honey is mixed in well, add your desired amount of Vanilla Extract (the more you add, the better it preserves, same as honey!)

  10. Mix together thoroughly. 

  11. Pour into glass jar(s) that seal well. 

  12. Now celebrate! You made your own homemade Elderberry Syrup!

  13. Refrigerate when cooled completely, or freeze extra in a glass jar (being sure to leave at least an inch of empty space to ensure your jar won’t break or explode in the freezer!)

Woohoo! You did it! You made your own Elderberry Syrup, jam packed with vitamins, minerals and healing herbs! Do a little happy dance, give gratitude to the herbs, & yourself for taking the time to connect with them! 


Now that your elderberry syrup is made, I suggest keeping it in the fridge always, or freezing any excess (as mentioned above, please leave an inch of space in the top of the jar if freezing to ensure that your elderberry syrup doesn’t explode as glass tends to break when overfilled in the freezer!)

With the addition of Vanilla Extract I have realized that this Elderberry Syrup usually lasts for at least 1 month - and when sealed well in jars and kept refrigerated for up to several months. The more vanilla extract and honey you add, the more natural preservation you give to your Healing Remedy! 


On a daily/regular basis to ensure good health & as a preventative medicine, take ½-1 teaspoon daily for adults. For children, have them take between ¼-½ teaspoon daily. 

When experiencing an illness or the onset of symptoms, adults should consume 1 teaspoon every 2-3 hours (at least 3 times per day), and children should consume ¼-½ teaspoon every 2-3 hours (at least 3 times per day). 

Please note that since this blend contains honey, that it should not be given to babies until you are sure that they are not allergic and are about 1 year +. Use your own discretion here, you know your child better than anyone! <3


If you’re Vegan and you do not use honey, I got you! You can substitute the honey in this recipe for Real Maple Syrup (Local if possible) or Black Strap Molasses.
OR, instead you can make an Elderberry Elixir by filling a half gallon mason jar with 1 cup Elderberries (option to add a Vanilla Bean for extra deliciousness), then fill the jar halfway with either black strap molasses or maple syrup, and fill the rest of the jar with brandy, vodka, bourbon or really any great quality liquor that is at least 80 proof! 

If choosing this method, allow this to steep, covered, for at least 6 weeks and up to 1 year! The longer you allow it to age, the more delightful and divine the flavors become! 

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An Elderflower Infusion, because the entire Sambucus Nigra Plant is full of healing chemical constituents! 

 I also love to use the flowers of this species in infusions to help support my Immune & Nervous system when in need. If you haven’t tried out an Elderflower infusion yet - pick up some Elderflowers from either Mountain Rose Herbs, Frontier Co-op, Starwest Botanicals, or your local Apothecary and make a lovely infusion by:

~Using ¼ - ½ cup of Elderflowers for a quart or half gallon jar. Place Flowers into your jar (the smaller the jar, the less infusion, yet the higher potency, the choice is yours. Try to tune into your intuition and what your body needs here!)
~Boil filtered water 

~Pour boiled water over the elderflowers

~Steep for up to 2 hours, but no longer!

~Strain with a metal fine mesh strainer, or cheesecloth. 

~Squeeze out of press out the flowers to ensure you get the most potent medicine you can!

~Enjoy hot, or chilled. 

~Place the remaining infusion in the fridge. It should last for at least 1 week (you’ll know if it’s gone sour by the fermentation bubbles appearing, especially upon opening the jar you’ll smell it!)

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Questions? Want more information on herbal healing?

Feel free to email us with any questions at
For more information on herbal healing and Holistic Health & healing, check out our website and shop at where you will find our herbal product line, Holistic Healing Sessions, Herbal Consultations with the creator, Tori Cummings, and so much more! 

Thank you for coming here and allowing me to share with you. It is always an honor and pleasure I hold near and dear to my heart. 

With love & wishes of vibrant health to you & yours, 

Tori Cummings
Holistic Health Practitioner, Healer, & Creatrix of Little Lotus Trading Co. LLC.
