Breathe Easy Salve


Breathe Easy Salve


Made with only organic, high quality ingredients from Mother Earth in small batches with lots of love.

These Breathe Easy Salves are an amazing all natural alternative to Vapor Rub! (because vapor rub typically contains petroleum jelly which is not something our bodies are used to… meaning that once these molecules are inside our bodies, our bodies don’t know what to do with them and they can serve as endocrine and lymphatic disruptors!)

This salve was lovingly handcrafted with Organic: Ginger, Eucalyptus, Comfrey, Mullein, and Peppermint Infused Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Beeswax, doTerra’s Breathe Blend, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Rosemary, Cypress, Cedarwood, & Juniper Berry Essential Oils, and so much love.

Great for rubbing onto your chest, back, bottoms of your feet, under your nose, along the throat, and the like to help increase the ability to breathe when congested or suffering from a cold.

Very gentle, yet potent in helping to kick the mucous out of the body and aiding you in feeling better faster. Safe for ages 7+ (due to some sensitivity in little ones with some of these oils!)

This 2 oz salve is available in a tin screw top jar, for only $15!

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