Earthing on Mount Monadnock


How I love the mountains. I truly am a mountain woman at heart. Mount Monadnock is one of the mountains that truly made me realize this. As soon as the weather is beautiful and I have a day off, the Prius and I take a little trip to Jaffrey, New Hampshire to the the mountain. This adventure included some absolutely magical times and vibes because it included not only the wondrous mountain itself, but my best friend Elyssa, too! Oh my goodness I love your soul and appreciate you so much darling! Thank you for being apart of my life! Aside from the lovely company, Monadnock is a rock top mountain. My favorite trail to climb up is the white dot trail and I highly suggest it!

Whenever I climb a mountain, especially rock tops, people question me almost always. Why? I refuse to climb in shoes. I wander along barefoot allowing the positive particles to bounce their energy into my system. Earthing is and probably always will be one of my favorite things. It instills a deeper connection to where we are from and the magic of the Universe that we all essentially are. 

This adventure brought to me, many emotions. 
I had been contemplating a lot and as I sat on the mountain meditating and breathing deeply, I found many answers. 
We are all on our own journeys. We are all healing and healing comes in waves. We must allow, accept, and be within this moment. There are two days that you cannot change; those are yesterday and tomorrow. You do have the choice to make this day glorious my dear and I send you all of the love and light that I have in order to do so.  You are loved. You are wonderful. The Universe decided that along with all of these incredible people, you needed to be added to this Earth as well. You have a purpose. Find it and love every second of the journey. 
Please remember these my loves, especially during any days where your vibration is sinking slightly. 

Ultimately, Healing is a personal journey and I want you to know that I am here to help you. We are all healing. We are all in this together. 
~We are one <3~ 

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Are things chaotic?


Lately, when I chat with any of my friends, clients, coworkers, etc., all I have been hearing is about just how chaotic life has been lately. Whether its children, difficulties at work, big changes in employment or living arrangements and so many more... It just seems as if the world has been turning things upside down.

     I keep responding to all of these by saying that it is a reflection of what is going on in the larger picture. I know for those of you in the USA, I think you know exactly what I mean. In addition to simply the chaos in the US, we are shifting on a bigger scale into the Age of Aquarius, where whole new doors are opening that some couldn't have even imagined. In this time, we shall see the strength greaten in the Divine Goddess energies, and the unhealthy masculinity decline. We will see the beauty in all of Earth's darknesses to bring light and love to them. It is a time shift that will show the power in love, prayer and peaceful protest as well as the time to honor our Mother Earth instead of continuously being ignorant to destroying it. This is the time of the healers, the light workers, the shamans and plant people to rise up and show the power of the Earth. We are all here to be lovers, for love is natural and all aggressions are learned reactions. We are here to help our planet and send it love.

Please join me in sending love, care and hope to our planet and future endeavors. It is time for us to radiate as our lightest being. It is time to do your self healing so that you can help the world heal. Please remember that self care is necessary in aligning and learning how to care about the oneness that you are. So here is to the chaos, the wild adventures and curvy paths that life throws at us, cheers to it all. For it brings us new beginnings, growth, and a new perspective. Here's to seeing the larger picture reflect in all the little things in life. 

Namaste, beautiful beings <3

Every Step Is A Journey

9. 20. 2017

In a little over a week, I will be traveling to Costa Rica for my Yoga Certification. My mind is all over the place saying "You'll need this, and this and this and you have to do this!" Minds are odd things, constantly filling every moment with a new thought, and sometimes it's really hard to remember that we cannot control our thoughts, we can only control what we do with them. We can either sit and listen to the constant buzzing of our minds or we can harness our consciousness and remind ourselves that we are not our thoughts. 
        This journey is reminding me that every step of our paths are so important. Every choice and every decision we make changes our life. Whether big or small, it cultivates a change. It's so important to surround yourself with wonderful people, filled with love, especially when making decisions. Why is that so? It's because there have been studies to show that the decisions you make depend on who you spend your time around and whose energies you surround yourself with. So, ask yourself, have you been surrounding yourself with loving, caring, helpful people? Ones that move forward with gratitude and love, ones that trust the universe and act without hoping for anything in return? If this isn't the case, start paying attention to your energy when you're around your friends, do they fill you up and give you energy or are they draining you and taking away from your energy? This was something I struggled with for quite sometime. I was quite uncomfortable with being along in my teens, my depression and anxiety constantly had a grasp on me and I wanted to be around people to forget about it all. Reflecting upon it, I allowed many people to drain my prana or life-force energy throughout the years. For the past year, it has been a major focus of mine to pay attention to how I feel when I surround myself with people and it's been leading to so many more deep and meaningful friendships, feeling all the more fulfilled, finding a deeper appreciation for all that is in my life including my passions, and so much happiness. Who doesn't want that in their lives? 
        My love of herbs, nature, yoga, reiki, healing not only myself but others, creating art of various mediums, and the people in my life is deeper than ever. I feel more grateful than I ever have before and attribute all of this to focusing on my own spiritual and healing journey. Every step is extremely important and it's so necessary to focus on yourself. Spend time working on yourself, doing what you love to fill up your cup. Moving forward from a cup that's full allows you to live more fully in the moment, deeply appreciating what's in your life, and with more appreciation you can move forward and act from your heart space, with love. When you act with your heart, your energy and aura becomes more vibrant. Are you ready to live more vibrantly? To be moving from a space of love? If so, it's time to focus on you and spending time doing what you love. So do something positively wonderful for yourself today, and choose you, and see how wonderful it makes you feel.  
       Namaste, my loves. <3